
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Everything was Hunky Dory until...

So, I finally decided on a name for my blog. I was very excited that after years of procrastination I had FINALLY started my very own blog. I really got into trying to find the perfect name for it. I thought and thought, I asked friends and co-workers, I pondered suggestions until I settled on a most excellent name. Then a couple of guys decided to set off bombs in Boston and naming my blog was no longer a big deal.

Today's world is very different from the one I grew up in.  Oh, we feared the "bomb" alright. That bomb would be dropped by the "enemy" and we took precautions. We were prepared for that bomb. If and when it happened it would be dropped from the sky from a plane, probably, and as elementary school children we had regular bomb drills. Much like fire drills today only we hid beneath our school desks and covered our heads with our arms.  Seems silly now, doesn't it? But, the point is we were prepared! We knew where to line up when the "all clear" signal was given, we knew the names of our classmates who should be in line on either side of us and we knew to report to an adult if any of our "flank pals" were missing. The "bomb" was a real threat and like I said, we knew who our "enemy" was. Today...not so much.

It isn't so black and white anymore. The enemy in my child's mind was a bad guy in a military uniform who wanted to destroy America, "the strongest nation in the world". It wasn't a couple of brothers wearing ball caps, carrying backpacks and strolling through the crowd. How do we defend ourselves against an enemy we can't even recognize? An enemy we don't even know is our enemy, hiding in plain sight. Your neighbor, your classmate, the guy with the backpack. How do you know?

My grandson is the same age as the little boy who was killed by the bomb. I can only imagine the depth of  his grandmother's grief. We shouldn't have to worry that the lives of our loved ones will be sacrificed in the name of some extremist's god when they go out to enjoy the day. Our streets should not be considered battlefields.

In light of the tragedy in Boston I will save the happy news of my blog's new name for another post. In the meantime my thoughts and prayers are with Boston. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Name my blog...continued.

Okay, so I've been trying to choose a permanent name for my blog. A few people think I should keep the temporary name-This Is My Blog. Naw, unimaginative, not feeling it. I've had several suggestions for names that I like but nothing has WOWED me so far. My friend, Julie thinks I should call it "Smells Like Old Lady". That might be a little too close for comfort. I sorta wanted something mysterious or serene sounding but, when I repeated the names I liked out loud they seemed lame and contrived. There is a song by Joan Armatrading that I love called "This Charming Life", hmm.... On second thought, does my life need to be a bit more charming before I use that title? I don't know I don't know I don't know!

I think I will take all the suggestions I like and the names I've come up with and put them in a hat. I will draw one at random and bam, new blog name. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Blog...finally!

I've been meaning to write a blog for ages now. So, after years of procrastination here I go.

Hmmm...what should I write? It's not like I haven't thought about it, I have. But, I think before I actually write anything of substance (In my mind, at least!) I should christen my blog with a name worthy of it's contents. When I mentioned this to a friend she promptly asked if I'd be calling my blog "CRAP". Ha ha, funny joke. (Insert appropriate emoticon here. Probably the one with the bored sideways slash mouth.)

But now I find myself in a conundrum. I'd like to enlist the help of the followers of my blog to help name it BUT...I don't have any followers. Yet. Soon, maybe? (I hope.) So, I'll just put this out there in the real world, the universe, the world wide web and hope a few of you buy this snake oil and give it a try. Now, step right up and help me name this blog!