It has been a while since I last blogged even though I am constantly writing blog snippets in my mind. Seriously, I've started at least six different drafts in the past few months that I've partially committed to print and scores more that are floating aimlessly in my mind. I have several on the back burner like my thoughts on pajama people, jaywalkers and whether Halloween is dead, to name a few.
And the reason? The reason for the lag? Well, I feel like I have been pressed for time and I have been tired. Real tired. Really tired. Rrrreeeaaalllyyy tired. But, in retrospect perhaps I've mistaken being tired for being lazy. Real lazy. Really lazy. Rrrreeeaaalllyyy lazy. Maybe it's a little of both. Tizy? In any case, I've reprimanded myself and given me a good talking-to. I am committing myself to write at least one blog per month. That being said, maybe I need you to help keep me accountable for that commitment. Gentle reminders are welcome. Feel free to email, text and/or PM me on Facebook if you are so inclined.
And thank you for reading this blog. All five of you. You know who you are.
I am one of the lucky five! I too have been lazy and I wrote a very fine blog post about Halloween in my head and never sat down to commit it to...paper? Remind me too...I do better if I feel someone is reading it. It helps to have an audience.
me too. I read blogs if ANYONE writes one. So write, please.muna
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