Me and my big yap! A few months back I made a pledge to blog at least once a month, but as you know I haven't since like December. In all fairness it wasn't completely my fault. My laptop is a bit...shall we say...mature? Oh, hell, it's old and sometimes acts up. For some reason it would not let me post anything to this blog. I had to monkey with it for a few months til I finally found the problem. But not before it lost it's memory (read: all my saved photos, documents, itunes...) TWICE! I was lucky enough to figure it out and fix the problem and now I'm back in business! I've got a couple of drafts to tweak and I'll be posting them soon.
I hope you have a backup for your computer so those pictures and music haven't been lost forever.
Everything not saved will be lost. (Nintendo "Quit Screen" message.
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